Archived Projects is a privacy-focused identity service that is geared towards game developers who want to easily add compliant account management to their games. It is primarily being developed as the account management backend for Khonsu Labs. The MIT-licensed source is available on GitHub. The Honor Sagas The Honor Sagas is an indie story-based MMO where you play alongside heroes that are trying to save the world. Which heroes you choose to aide will influence how the war against the evil forces will proceed. Over time, will the forces of the world prevail? Or will each era come and go with the evil forces destroying the world yet again.
Topic Replies Views Activity
0 551 May 19, 2021
0 1110 December 16, 2020
0 587 November 2, 2020
0 754 October 13, 2020
0 695 July 18, 2020
0 724 July 5, 2020
0 677 June 27, 2020
0 1209 June 21, 2020
0 630 June 9, 2020
0 765 June 6, 2020
0 656 May 30, 2020